Saturday, August 20, 2005

Eu amo a Saara, mas foi o Alfredo que me ensinou a usar isso...

Its clear that I dont know how to use this shit...but anyway, if there is any kind soul out there willing to teach me how to link other peoples blog, and how to add pictures in this shit, I will be welcome!by the way the word "shit" is in "this", just noticed that...welleventually Im lazy to write, maybe thats is why I dont post anything new for a long long time...but today Im I will start with a little noteNOTE[funny thin needle, going in your skin, brings you this intense, shortterm pain, then you see this red liquid, like wine, going inside thistube... that wine is you, its life, its blood......this sexual dance betweenyour skin and needles lasts only few seconds....its beautyfull... I loveit...I always laugh and smile!!!] I wrote this long time ago, around 14...I just found it, sounds neat...cant remenber the last time I took blood out...So first tought of the day was courage... You have Tyler, I mean, I have Tyler, this really strong man, who cares so much about his looks you know, always matching the colors, totally disciplined with everything, work time, studying time, dating time, workout time...which kinda sucks, cause no one can be that organized...well he has this girlfriends, Marla, kinda rude girl but she is alright as far as I know her.Me, sorry I didnt introduce myself, Im Nia Sopwinik, I had a thingie with Tyler (funny this word, THINGIE) friends with Tyler, not so good friends with Marla.So you have this strong Icon of manhood, muscles, I-Dont-Care attitude... but this guy, he is nothing but a chicken, a sorry chicken, a sorry skinny ass chicken.Not honest with himself, with me or Marla...Im Jacks lack of courage!No courage to kiss, no courage to brake up, no courage to be honest, no courage to go after anything, no gourage to do shit... and its funny, cause if you stop and analyse, most guys are like now you have this icon femalehood, who has the courage to cry, to hold her tears when thay have to be stronger, courage to kiss, to brake up, to argue to yell....come on, things switch places here....dammitfuck!Just name one, one brave man, that you cant find a even braver woman after him! besos


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pronto, acho que agora vai...

8:37 PM  

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