I just want another try.

I read things that arent in your mind
I read things wishing you were mine
I save time to be with you
But sometimes you cant see my due
I hate to live in this shadow
But for you my baby, there is no down low
You tell me all about your life
But deep inside you are cutting me with a knife.
Do you love me still?
Because that is how I feel!
I wait for your phone calls
But I play hard so you wont pass my walls.
All I have is a secret
And I wish you could keep it.
You treat me as a kind friend
But my love for you doesnt know an end
Am I letting myself be killed?
I am sure feeling terribly ill.
I laugh of your silly jokes
But I keep mistake them for hopes
You touch me for accident
Oh baby, I wish you had other intend
You’ve broke my heart already
But I am afraid I am not ready
Do you love me still?
Because that is how I feel!
You read my thoughts
And certain that is very odd
You think I deserve something better?
I want you, and that is what matter
You are jealous of me
But you never tried to kiss me
I’ve seen you crying so many times
And I feel like touching you all these times
Am I letting myself be killed?
I am sure feeling terribly ill.
I want more
Im afraid Im turning into a bore
Cant you read my eyes?
Believe me, they never lie.
Plese give me sign
Because Im dying inside.
Do you love me still?
I read things wishing you were mine
I save time to be with you
But sometimes you cant see my due
I hate to live in this shadow
But for you my baby, there is no down low
You tell me all about your life
But deep inside you are cutting me with a knife.
Do you love me still?
Because that is how I feel!
I wait for your phone calls
But I play hard so you wont pass my walls.
All I have is a secret
And I wish you could keep it.
You treat me as a kind friend
But my love for you doesnt know an end
Am I letting myself be killed?
I am sure feeling terribly ill.
I laugh of your silly jokes
But I keep mistake them for hopes
You touch me for accident
Oh baby, I wish you had other intend
You’ve broke my heart already
But I am afraid I am not ready
Do you love me still?
Because that is how I feel!
You read my thoughts
And certain that is very odd
You think I deserve something better?
I want you, and that is what matter
You are jealous of me
But you never tried to kiss me
I’ve seen you crying so many times
And I feel like touching you all these times
Am I letting myself be killed?
I am sure feeling terribly ill.
I want more
Im afraid Im turning into a bore
Cant you read my eyes?
Believe me, they never lie.
Plese give me sign
Because Im dying inside.
Do you love me still?
Because that is how I feel!
surpreendente como vc consegue escrever, não importa a lingua.
Nessa passagem no seu blog tive 2 post pra ler, vc não me avisou do anterior a esse =/. Faz tempo que agente nao conversa, lendo esses textos eu me sinto mais perdido, antes sempre relacionava algo escrito com oq vc me contava. Sinto falta dos nossos papos, não te vejo mais no msn. E NY tá chegando hein!
bjos nina
do menino que vc conheceu na internet um dia =D
Nina, admiro tua capacidade de colocar nas palavras a intensidade exata dos teus pensamentos e sentimentos. Quisera eu ter essa capacidade. Hj mesmo estava voltando da faculdade e lembrando de ti e de como eu fui injusta ctg na minha ultima semana aih, soh pq tava mal em outros aspectos..tava tão mal, como se tivesse qrendo gritar de dor e me sentindo com a boca amarrada, sem poder.. lembrei tb das coisas boas que fizemos por ai. De tanta coisa boa. Me fez tão bem, me deu saudade. Cheguei em casa (e já tô qse saindo pra aula de novo) e vim olhar meus emails, coloquei as musicas da kelly clarkson (q marcaram minhas horas de solidão e de faxina no apto do isaac) e comecei a lembrar de tanta coisa boa q vivi lá..naquele tempo, naquela hora, naquela situação! É como se o meu tempo tivesse sendo só meu e eu estivesse usando-o pra mim mesma..senti saudades...MUITA!x)));))
(me entendeu? não? se não entendeu, a culpa n eh tua, eu q não sei me expressar como tu.. :((...
nice try; it really worked.. i prefer when ya write as usual.
isso é musica???
bem, se for sua, manda pra nancy sinatra cantar em algum lugar do universo pq tá a cara dela....
droga..agora tou com Bang Bang na cabeca...
E oq eu posso dizer?
Q comentários foram aqueles no meu blog?!?!? Eu te chateei com alguma coisa???
Eu concordo com o Alfredo..
q posso dizer???
Q seu texto eh lindo?
TEm hora q n me expressar bem.
Lindo texto.
Wonderful words... beautiful...
Linda, te linkei no meu blog ta? vou acompanhar mais esse seu blog! Beijo
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