
I’m sorry to tell you, by I’ve found my man.
I’m sorry to tell you, but I love him since childhood.
I’m sorry to tell you, but those tears in our crises, was not for you my baby, it was for my love.
I’m sorry to tell you, but our first kiss, it wasn’t our first kiss, because I was never with you.
I’m sorry to tell you, but see, its too late, too late for regrets.
I’m sorry to tell you but, my love, my love was gone with this one man, this one man only.
I’m sorry to tell you, but I might be never able to love any other, but this one man, this green eyed man of mine.
I’m sorry to tell you, but I love him ever since, ever since I saw him.
This my man, he isn’t pretty, isn’t right, he is upside down my baby. He is wrong and he tends to do me harm.
I’m sorry baby, but this man, he turned me bitter.
I’m sorry baby, but this man, he has got all my tears.
I’m sorry my baby, but I ought to take care of him.
Baby, this man has got me crying.
This man, we had this astonishing love story, but he, but he treated me like shit.
This man of mine, he loves me so!
I’m sorry baby, I fooled you.
I’m sorry to tell you, but I fooled you while my heart fooled myself.
I love this one man, this one man only.
I’m sorry to tell you, but this man is my sorrow, my happiness.
Baby, I’ve mistreated you.
Let me go in peace, let me love my man, this man of mine.
This man taught your mistress to love, to hate, to cry, to hope.
I’m his, he is mine.
I’m sorry to tell you baby, but we both had been one.
I’m sorry to tell you baby, but I’m not sorry.
I’m sorry to tell you that I’m not sorry, but I want my man, this green eyed man of mine.
No regrets, and eternally loved,
Your baby.
its just like blues. and your just like nina. there's a problem though.. you'r too white. go blak, niger! kkkkkkkkk
really, its too much like blues. have you heard the 'babysitting blues'? it's so funneh.
watch out with this man of yours. =******
Isso é uma musica?
Vc escreveu uma realidade..acho q todo mundo ja teve sua fase de passar com alguem mas nao esta com ela, esta com outro...
eu esqueci onde eu vi isso.. mas o verdadeiro amor ta reAlmente no oposto, pq vc fica fulo pq ele n concorda com vc e quer mostrar pra ele q vc ta certa..o oposto de vc faz vc se desafiar e testar seus limites....
legal, ne?
Eu vou começar a escreve blues!Maybe I could make a living you know, writing and reading.
And babysitting blues... hmmm love it!
Its not a song, mas acho que vou vender para alguem... sei lá, uma Marjorie Estiano! te extraño.
cruelmenta apaixonante!
saudades de vc
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