Saturday, December 24, 2005

Start spreading the news...

I suppose to be writing, I mean really writing, taking this time of vacation to do some writing, and course, reading, but mostly writing…Hmm fucking lazy.
Maybe I’m feeling like Charlie Kaufman in Adaptation…Pfff I wish.
Ok, I got this from Mateo, Tobias’ friend, down there…
What is it that you truly want NOW? 3 words only.
Go to NY.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Live at Germany;
Change my life;
That ONE guy;
Find endless happiness.

Pack it all
And deliver NOW

8:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to love you ;)

1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhh num vale a beca fez mil pedidos!!!é só um!ta...
quero muuuuuuuuuito dinheiro!!!

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

adouro a beca!

"that ONE guy"

"save the world"


6:07 PM  
Blogger Alfred said...

Ganhar na Mega

8:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"save the world??????" A Mel é politicamente correta, mas é um xuxu!
*crissi, someone wants to shag you! is it possible??? heueheuheueh Kidding!

11:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know how it feels... Not about NY, just about writing.

8:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

soon u will be there!
just like me (I hope) but ur time is closer than mine! (u are so lucky hehehe)
now u have a new reader for ur blog!
p.s: não liga pros erros de gramatica em ingles hehehe so um aprendiz ainda)
/vitorbrv (from orkut)

9:26 PM  

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