I never ment to do you wrong, thats what I came here to say

I’ve become a self-centered bitch
A bump
Fuck, I need a smoke
I’m two of a kind.
I’m sleepy and my throat sores
I’m not sick or anything
On the contrary
I feel high, and on the top of the world!
I deserve this,
I’ve been so kind to everybody
So pure and saint
Fuck it
Fuck it
Fuck it
It’s the heroin
Gets you sleepy… you know
Better than sex
Get an orgasm multiply by a thousand
That is heroin
Bet you know about that already
You tele sick
You sick boy
I need some fucking, tea and someone to read literature to me
I need to be bitten
Something to take me out of this dread
Some pain killers
Some Tylenol
Some new shoes
I need to loose weight
I need a job and a career, something to care about
I need time and space
I need to be controlling and mind-fucking
Grumpy and complex
I want the world
And I want it to want me
Because I can!
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