Its now or never...

-What is it?
- I’m so horny!
- I mean it woman, remember how I haven’t been horny for such a long time, I mean… think about my past relationship you will figure how horny I am right now.
-Isn’t there anybody you could call?
-Well, I called someone already. You won’t believe this, I’ve called B, asking if I could come over, you know, to make out and he said NO.
-Hahaha you are crazy!
-I know! I feel so embarrassed… no I don’t, I’m just horny, and it’s totally acceptable!
-Should I call him?
-No, don’t call!
-But I want to!
-Ok then, call…
-But then I would be to easy…
-I’m so bored!
-Me too.
-Its funny how we manage to come to these events just for social appearance, and hope to find someone, a man, nice enough to consider fucking right after the boring ceremony.
-True, but we never fuck them… Stupid self respect!
-I hope they have alcohol.
bem mulherzinha.
ainda leio esse blog inteiro,
adorei! :]
tá lá!
não pensei em nada melhor. Só na história da 1ª pessoa...enfim, depois vc me passa um melhor!
that was me! those lines were mine... now the world knows how embarrassingly lame we can be.
tbkas cris. thanks a lot!
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Ok... ta tudo gringo de novo!
Olha só, na dúvida, não liga. Nunca.
Você consegue entender isso?
A propósito, agora tenho um blog.
amei teus textos =]
Apropriamento indevido de material intelectual.
MST - Movimento dos Sem inTelecto!
Afff... quando besteira que eu falo! Entendeu? Nem eu! Choveu?
HAhaha só mudaria uma coisa do seu relato:
"-I hope they have Concha y Toro..."
Hahahaha, que sexta feira deliciosa, não esqueço da sua cara depois da mensagem!
Luv ya
ps: atualizei o meu blog!
Somehow, i know ALL there stories!
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